CECS 100 Final Exam Review

You can have one 8 x 11 page of notes on both sides.
Exam format: coding, multiple choice, fill in blanks, questions/answers

  1. Chapter 7

    •Introduction to Lists
    •List Slicing
    •Finding Items in Lists with the in Operator
    •List Methods and Useful Built-in Functions
    •Copying Lists
    •Processing Lists
    •Two-Dimensional Lists
    •Plotting List Data with the matplotlib Package

  2. Chapter 5

    •Introduction to Functions
    •Defining and Calling a Void Function
    •Designing a Program to Use Functions
    •Local Variables
    •Passing Arguments to Functions
    •Global Variables and Global Constants
    •Introduction to Value-Returning Functions: Generating Random Numbers
    •Writing Your Own Value-Returning Functions
    •The math Module

  3. Chapter 4

    •Introduction to Repetition Structures
    •The while Loop: a Condition-Controlled Loop
    •The for Loop: a Count-Controlled Loop
    •Calculating a Running Total
    •Input Validation Loops
    •Nested Loops

  4. Chapter 3

    •The if Statement
    •The if-else Statement
    •Comparing Strings
    •Nested Decision Structures and the if-elif-else Statement
    •Logical Operators
    •Boolean Variables

    Click the "In-Learning"

    Watch the video "Data Science Foundations: Fundamentals"
    Chapters 1,2,4,and 6.

    Watch the video "Google Apps 2016 for Education Training"

    Watch the video "Google Calendar Essential Training"

    Watch the video "Google Docs Essenstial Training"

    Watch the video "What is Github?"

    Watch the video "Exploring Github"